What Its Like Being an Airsoft Sniper

What Its Like Being an Airsoft Sniper

How To Be An Airsoft Sniper (Tips & Tricks For Beginners)

I of the most mutual requests I receive from people is advise on getting started in airsoft sniping. Having played airsoft for a decade and attended 100s of events over the years with the vast bulk of that time being spent as a sniper, I am going to warn yous at present, that it is without a incertitude the hardest role to play in airsoft. So to help get you started i am going to get over what are the best guns you can buy for the role, how to shoot and striking your target, movement, concealment & equipment to bring with you onto the field.

The big question everyone wants to know is, what is the best airsoft sniper rifle? Unfortunately there is no easy answer hither and it will depend on your needs & your technical ability. If you are but starting out, are unsure if it is the role for you and take express technical cognition, in that location is thankfully now an reply, Novritsch'south new SSG10a1. It is not the best, just it is the all-time value and is good to go out of the box and will accept you hitting targets at lxxx–90 perhaps even 100 meters on a skilful day. If y'all have a bit more of a budget and some technical knowledge then the choices are not so directly forward… Novritsch's SSG24 is always popular but will non perform as well as a fully upgraded and tuned VSR build. Without a doubt the best built rifle on the market today is the Silverback SRS, expensive and heavy and with an open bolt blueprint that requires special attention during hard weather weather, but it' s reliability, super tranquility stealth performance and with the right upgrades has the potential to achieve out by 100m make it the first choice for many experienced snipers who are able to overlook it'southward awkward bullpup pattern that tin can be unstable and difficult to utilize compared to traditional rifles. But what is my personal choice? For regular play I utilise a highly tuned VSR just for specialist events I bring out a relic from the past, a Tanaka M40 PCS commodities gas sniper rifle. Silent, accurate, insane range but with but x shots per magazine information technology's not a gun I would recommend to beginners, if you could even notice one for sale.

Ultimately the pick is yours, simply here is my Maple Leaf VSR…

Maple Leafage VSR

It is fix to my personal tastes, I am non looking for the longest range only I am looking for silent accuracy out to around eighty–85 meters and a neat platform for mounting cameras to be able to capture gameplay. Externally it has Maple Leaf stock and upper receiver with a spirit level rail mount to ensure my first shots are as straight as possible. Internally I use a Springer Custom Works trigger & piston with an AAC teflon cylinder, nozzle and hop chamber. To ensure maximum accuracy I have a Sniper Mechanics Flamingo bucking and a Stalker nub on a Stalker Morpheus butt. Installed on the forepart of the gun I accept a custom suppressor which is important to stay tranquillity and not reveal your position when you fire at opponents. On the front of my scope I have a honeycomb lens embrace to reduce scope glint. My scope camera is a custom camera non available to buy which is mounted in a housing designed by Dutch airsoft sniper Cleanshot. I use 128 gig cards and external battery packs ensuring I am able to switch my cameras on and get out them running for the entire day and then I can keep my listen on the hunt. Cameras are of course optional and are not an particular I recommend to anybody starting out as they tin can exist very distracting and add a lot of weight to your rifle.

And of course, I wear my KMCS, Kicking Mustang Concealment System, Ghillie Suit. The modifications I make to this and the exact configuration I apply depend on the environment I will be playing in and there is no difficult and fast rule well-nigh which ghillie suit is best for you as it volition depend on the field y'all will exist playing on and the style of play you will exist using on the day.

Tokyo Marui HK45

Your sniper rifle will need to be paired with a pistol and your decision will exist between choosing a silent none blow dorsum like the Tokyo Marui MK23 that I favour for silent accurate takedowns or a faster firing, more compact accident black pistol like my Tokyo Marui HK45 that you will encounter me select when I am playing in urban environments. The pick is ultimately down to your fashion, but my decision is usually based on the chances of me being surprised by the enemy stumbling on my position. This is usually more likely in urban environments in which example I will select my fast firing gbb pistol, or if I believe I am more probable to have the upper hand and take the fourth dimension and infinite to employ information technology I volition exist able employ the abilities of the silent, but somewhat cumbersome and slow firing, MK23 hand cannon. Either way, all of my pistols are upgraded with Maple Leaf crazy jet barrels and hop rubbers, ensuring I am able to take on enemies at any ranges and I rarely feel I am always at a disadvantage, at least for the starting time few seconds of an engagement.


You may likewise need to consider carrying some grenades. Depending on your budget and the environs you play in in that location are 3 choices. A BFG, or blank firing grenade, which are heavy and are loaded with blank firing ammo that brand a loud bang on bear on. These are expensive to initially purchase, but are cheap to use each time. Within buildings they are ideal for throwing into rooms or around corners equally they explode on impact and are well-nigh incommunicable to avoid. The problems with them are that they are heavy and easily lost in the field after you throw them. Some other option is a gas powered solid grenade, such as the Airsoft Innovations Tornado 2, which is loaded with 100s of Bbs which spray out in 360 degrees, stinging anyone within their kill radius making them a terrifying prospect to face. Personally I prefer disposable grenades and my favourites are the Taggin grenades from Russia. They are light, solid, very realistic, perfect for throwing, are incredibly loud and throw out Bbs in all direction when they detonate. Unfortunately they are expensive, costing around £ten per throw.

So we have looked at our loud out, now let's talk near my general rules of sniping, more specifically ghillie sniping. My offset piece of advice for everyone wanting to get into sniping is to non run around actively like you may have seen on youtube. At present I'm not knocking these guys, the likes of Silo or Novritsch or Cleanshot, they are very good at what they do but I tin can promise you that you will non be making the virtually of your commodities action rifle if you play this fashion.

Agile Sniper — Novritsch.

You only accept a footling bit of extra range compared to assail rifles on the field. You merely take a fiddling chip more than accuracy, but you lot do accept a much much slower rate of fire and you will be outgunned and it volition be rare that you come out on top of a 1 v 1 shootout with any role player who has a fully automatic weapon. Equally skillful as the active snipers are on youtube, they have the advantage of being able to edit their footage and cut out their deaths and missed shots. I dont recommend trying to emulate their play manner if you want to be effective as an airsoft sniper. Then with that out of the manner my most of import tip for you is to always try to use you sniper from a curtained position making the most of it's accurateness and quiet shots to eliminate dislocated and unprepared opponents. The only fourth dimension I would suggest using your sniper out in the open up is when yous are working with a squad, in a designated marksman function within a formation, where you will be in a expert position to provide long range accurate fire while your teammates push button the enemy's position.

The next tip I take for you lot is to piece of work on shot selection. Your rifle will only have a express capacity so y'all will demand to make your shots count. If yous are able to practice at home or at a range, acquire the flight of the Bulletin board system, most guns take a unique flight path, do taking difficult shots through vegetation or copse. Learn near how tilting the rifle changes how the BBs curve through the air and utilize that to your advantage. Learn about how your breathing furnishings your aim, tedious it down and either breathe completely or hold your jiff as y'all take your shots to help steady the gun. But likewise think well-nigh when to accept the shots, deport in mind that if the enemy is looking towards you they will probable exist able to see the white BB flying towards them and pinpoint your position if you miss. Acquire to value your curtained position more than than the number of kills. Taking a 100% kill shot on ane person in a squad that has 100% chance of giving your position away to the rest of the enemy may non be a practiced shot to take. But taking a twenty% impale shot with i% risk of giving your position away may be ameliorate odds and allow you to take several shots to get the ane hitting while remaining undetected.

Take the shot and risk giving your position away?

If yous are in a shut run into with enemies and you lot are in a concealed position, learn to master slow and polish movements. If you do not feel like y'all are moving like a sloth you are moving besides fast. Don't snatch at your pistol in information technology'south holster, slowly and smoothly draw it, when yous turn your head do it a tedious smooth motion, and try to look around with your optics before yous move your head and body. No matter how good your ghillie suit is movement volition give you away. If you do not master slow and smooth move yous will not exist able to utilise your ghillie suit to it's maximum effect. If you are in a hibernate position and you suspect enemies may stumble on your position have yous pistol ready drawn and next to your rifle so you can easily reach for it with very piddling movement. When you're scanning for enemies do not moving ridge your gun around, keep equally much of your body and weapon as still as possible, scan with your optics, slowly turn your head if you need to while maintaining the rest of your trunk motionless.

And when reloading your sniper after a shot, do not snatch and hurry the reload. Remember movement will give you away. If you can, subsequently you've made a shot practise not reload straight away, expect a few seconds or longer before slowly and smoothly racking the bolt. I of the biggest mistakes I see snipers doing, including professional youtube snipers, is snatching at the bolt, as information technology is not simply movement that volition give you position abroad but information technology is noise that will alert opponents of your position. Slow, smooth & silent. Leave the fast loud and dramatic to the popular youtubers… Sure it looks great on camera but information technology surrenders your most powerful weapon; darkening and surprise. The simply time to ever do fast reloads is when you are compromised and you experience you lot have an opportunity to accept down multiple opponents earlier they tin can get inside effective range to accept yous downwards. Otherwise I would prefer to employ the fourth dimension to bug out and reposition rather than gamble in a face to confront gun fight.

Let's talk a picayune bit about selecting hide positions. My biggest tip hither is do non hide behind difficult cover. This is because you will have to look around or over it to spot and shoot opponents. This volition arrive very easy to be spotted as your caput and weapon will be silhouetted against the outline of the hard embrace. If yous can, try to utilise cover you tin can look through or hibernate in front of. You may feel vulnerable at beginning only it is the all-time style to remain undetected and will give you the best field of view and kill zone to appoint your targets. Try to avoid obvious locations such as man made sniper towers which are death traps in airsoft. Yous will exist easy to spot in them and there is no escape in one case you are pinned down.

A tip that may surprise you is to endeavor to avert a confront down decumbent position whenever possible. As good as decumbent is for hiding and remaining undetected it reduces your visibility to a narrow range in front end of you, it is very hard to check around you, and often limits the range you can see especially in summer months, and when yous shoot your airsoft rifle from that low down information technology increases the risk that your shots will skim blades of grass or fern and reduce accuracy. Too being so depression downwardly can reduce your ability to hear noises and any movement you brand volition cause rustling, maybe not audible to enemies just it volition reduce your ability to pick upwards noises that the enemy may be making. It feels safe to be prone but at that place are many disadvantages to consider. I avert being prone and only employ information technology equally a last resort. I am always looking for positions that give me multiple angles or very wide angles to attack from. Prone positions requite just i narrow angle, usually not a good choice unless you have a very specific target.

This brings us onto what is one of the nigh dangerous times for a skilled ghillie sniper which is when they are leaving hide or a prone position. At that place is almost always a blind spot when y'all are in hide and it is often incommunicable to safely check it without taking a risk to move your entire body'southward position and you volition be potentially silhouetting yourself. There is no easy manner of doing this, slow and smooth, simply be aware that in hide you may feel at your most safe even though an enemy thespian may exist over looking your position and yous are unaware of them. Leaving hide is always a gamble, be prepared for anything and the slower and more carefully you can do it the meliorate.

Lets talk a footling bit near hills and high ground. High ground can give you an reward only information technology can too leave y'all exposed against a skyline. As much equally I savor shooting from high upwards I will always try to shoot from the hillside, not from the very top. The same rule I utilize to motion through hills, Do non become directly over the hill, walk around it using the hill side to avert exposing yourself to enemy spotters.

Hiding in plain sight.

Here you tin can meet me against a rock face, the enemy are oblivious to my position, you do not need to be behind cover, learn about how your concealment blends into the surround and have confidence in it's power to keep you concealed in plain sight.

Dead ground, hard cover and how we can apply it. Dead basis, is footing that can not exist seen into past people outside of the surface area and which is formed from dense material that muffles a lot of noise being made behind it,, such as a pit or an embankment. It is useful to us because it allows us to meridian take a shot and reposition quickly. Never have shots and stay in the same position on hard embrace for also long. If you have the advantage of dead basis,, duck down, stay low and movement quickly to a different position before popping back upwardly forcing the opponents to re aim and perhaps think they are facing more than than one of you.
I always attempt to avoid stand up upward gunfights only when I accept to engage in them, being able to use expressionless ground is my preferred scenario.

With all the basics covered I hope this has answered some of the questions yous have. Over the side by side few days I will be turning this blog mail into a video so if y'all recall I take missed any major tips for new players looking to get into sniping please let me know in the comments below.

What Its Like Being an Airsoft Sniper

Posted by: tatearres1992.blogspot.com

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